Pursuing Multiple Passions: 3 Tips to Turn Overwhelmed into Empowered

I used to think I had to do “one thing.”

When I made my first attempt at starting a business (a health and wellness venture) while I was still teaching, I felt like I had to make it work and I had to do solely that. It was hard enough for me to accept that maybe I wasn’t aligned with being a classroom teacher anymore, and to make it easier my brain wanted to focus on just this new idea.  

Quickly that side business transformed into something bigger, and I took time off from teaching to hopefully make it my “one thing.”  Ultimately I returned to the classroom, and that business fizzled out, and I kept wondering what business I could start that I could do ALL the time in place of teaching because I knew I wanted to leave the classroom and pursue entrepreneurship full time.

I got into real estate thinking that could be the thing! I could start while teaching and then transition to it full time. Though I didn’t want to be in a school anymore, I still identified very much as a teacher, I was still passionate about health and wellness, and I was realizing how much I loved creating online - marketing material, websites, classroom content, you name it.

I tried to love myself for having all these interests but in a way I was frustrated - “I’m going to dive into real estate - I can’t be passionate about education and wellness and content creation anymore - I need to give my all to this new endeavor.”

I know, it sounds a little silly.

But I was a little brainwashed.

In a society where it’s considered normal to have the same career until we retire, and in a world where social media makes us feel like we need to push just one thing if we want to get noticed and build a business.

It’s been 5 years since I started that first business idea. And it’s taken all that time (plus I’m still working on it) to accept that I’m ever changing. I’m multi-passionate - I have multiple skills and passions that I am good at - what a gift! Nothing to be frustrated about at all.  

Whether it’s in my business life or my personal life, I am so far from one thing, and that’s beautiful. 

If you are feeling the call to try something new, or perhaps feeling overwhelmed with more than one interest and passion - I encourage you to see this as normal!

And better yet, I encourage you to open yourself up to the opportunities all around you. We are lucky to live in a time when following our curiosities and embracing new ideas is easier than ever. 

It can feel scary at first, but here are 3 ways to embrace having more than one passion or interest:

  1. Prioritize Time with Yourself

    If you are contemplating a career change or embarking on a journey of learning something new, taking time for self-reflection is a great way to gain clarity and direction. Alone time offers the space to explore passions, strengths, and the path you want to carve. Whether you're considering a career transition or diving into a new field of knowledge, this personal time allows for introspection, goal setting, and the development of a strong sense of purpose. It's a moment to recharge, gain perspective, and ensure that the changes you're making align with your core values and aspirations. In essence, prioritizing time with yourself is the compass that guides you through the exciting but sometimes challenging journey of reinvention and self-discovery.

    One actionable step to prioritize time with yourself when contemplating a career change is to schedule regular "Me Time" sessions in your calendar. Treat these appointments with the same level of importance as any work-related commitment. During these sessions, engage in activities that promote self-reflection and personal growth, such as journaling, meditation, or simply taking a long walk to clear your mind. This dedicated time allows you to disconnect from daily distractions and connect with your inner thoughts and aspirations.  Even if you don’t have much time,  being still & quiet for just a few minutes a day gives your mind a break from input - a break that creates space in your thinking and allows you to hear your own voice and get back in tune with your inner compass.

2. Networking and Mentorship

Connecting with and learning from others opens doors to a world of insights, experiences, and support.   When you connect with like-minded individuals, it’s a reminder that you’re not alone and motivation that you can change things up, too!  A mentor can offer personalized advice, share lessons from their successes and failures, and provide a strong support system to help you navigate unfamiliar territories with confidence and inspiration. 

An actionable step to harness the power of networking and mentorship is to proactively seek out and engage with individuals or groups who align with your interests, goals, or the new endeavor you're pursuing. Attend relevant industry events, join online forums or social media groups, and actively participate in discussions. Reach out to potential mentors or experienced individuals in your field of interest, seeking guidance or mentorship opportunities. By taking the initiative to build these connections, you'll be creating a network of valuable resources that can guide and support you on your journey of exploration and growth!

3. Embrace the Learning Process

Most importantly just get out there and try!  Sign up for an online course, attend a workshop, start before you’re ready and if it doesn’t work out you are guaranteed to learn something and gain insight about what direction to go next. It’s through the learning process that we not only acquire the necessary knowledge and skills but also develop resilience, adaptability, and a growth mindset. Embracing the process allows you to approach something new with a sense of curiosity and a willingness to experiment and make mistakes. When you value the learning process, you not only become better equipped for your endeavors, but also gain a profound sense of fulfillment and purpose along the way.

An actionable step to embrace the learning process is to keep a journal to reflect on your progress, insights gained, and areas for improvement. This will help you to celebrate the small victories along the way, and view setbacks as opportunities to learn and grow. By making learning an intentional and regular part of your journey, you'll not only stay on track but also find inspiration and motivation in the process itself.

The message is clear:

You don't have to limit yourself to just one passion or career path. Embracing your diverse interests can be a beautiful journey of self-discovery and growth. The tips shared above – prioritizing time with oneself, networking and seeking mentorship, and embracing the learning process – offer a roadmap for those looking to explore new horizons. In a world where opportunities to follow your curiosities have never been more accessible, I encourage all my multi-passionate friends to take that leap and discover the fulfillment that comes from doing more than just ONE thing! 


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