Narrating Your Life

Writing and Rewriting your story

create your life inspiration

“The way you are describing your life is the way it is manifesting. Now tell me again, how are things going?” - Abraham Hicks

I read this quote recently and it really stuck with me.

It encompasses so much in two short sentences.

We underestimate the power of the things we say out loud, and even the things we think.

As I write this, it's Sunday night, and Sergey, Kona and I just parked in a beautiful spot in Truth or Consequences New Mexico (how fun is that name?!). We are parked on BLM land, which is public land that we are able to park our van on and stay for the night, or as many nights as we'd like!

Most of our trip thus far has consisted of a lot of street and/or parking lot parking due to where we were, but now that we have made it to NM (a dream come true!) there is so much beautiful public land that we are able to park our home on and enjoy, almost completely by ourselves!

Being here is surreal.

To be honest, this month it has really sunk in how surreal this entire chapter of my story is, and sometimes I want to pinch myself.

This March has been nothing short of  ✨magical 

And at a different point in my story, March used to feel far from magical - especially … 😧Sunday nights😧 … in March…

As a teacher in Boston, March always felt like the longest month of the year! The weather was usually cold, there were no school vacations or long weekends, and it always seemed to drag on and on as we wished for warmer weather and to be closer to summer break.

And the Sunday scaries of March? A whole other level of scary! 🙀

sunset marfa texas

Don’t get me wrong - I LOVED being a teacher. Being a teacher is part of my story, and still very much a part of me even if I am no longer in a classroom.

But being a teacher is HARD - for a million reasons that I won’t get into here (but definitely check out Making the Grade Podcast if this topic interests you!).

The most concise way to sum it up is that my life as a teacher was not aligning with my values, and my dreams, anymore, and I decided it was time to rewrite my narrative, and start a new chapter.

I decided.

This month was magical because I’ve watched so many things I decided I wanted to do become reality before my very eyes: The first FULL month traveling in our van- successfully living and working in a tiny space, seeing new places along the way.  Finding and loving tiny towns I never new existed. Getting clarity and inspiration in my business that I’ve been searching for.  Launching a podcast. Planning a wedding I never knew I wanted. Making it to New Mexico - a placed I’ve yearned to visit for so long - and seeing the most  magical spot I’ve ever visited in our first days in the state - White Sands National Park.

white sands national park sunset

And to be able to look at this past month, and know I played a role in creating this reality around me by DECIDING I wanted to (no matter how scary it was) and showing the universe I would make it happen with my thoughts, my words, and my actions (even when I doubted myself) - is a reminder of how much I CAN trust myself and my dreams, and it’s a reminder that I have the power to change my narrative any time I want. 

You do too.

For now, I am loving this life with Sergey and Kona, on the road, exploring, working, laughing, crying… (believe me, every emotion you can think of happens when living this way!)

And who knows? There might be more March’s in the future that I want to teach (okay I doubt it 😆) but that’s the beauty of it -  I can write that back into my story if I want to 🥰


Getting Started with a Website Story


3 Favorite Road Trip Spots So Far