The beginning of the year is a time when you often hear people talking a lot about goal setting and planning for the year. You’ve probably heard ME talking about it too! But, if you grabbed a copy of my Joy Journal and Planner, or get my newsletter to your inbox, or read anything I put on social media, I hope that you see a different message than many in my goal-setting advice.

When I think back to the goals I have set for myself in recent years - from small ones like drinking more water and putting my phone on “do not disturb” more, or big ones, like leaving my career or building a campervan, there is a common denominator in my “why” behind them all: More Joy. And that “why” propelled me to do everything I could to achieve those goals, even on days when my “everything” didn’t look like much.

While I don’t claim to be an expert, I do strongly believe that following these 3 simple rules when setting a goal will build the proper foundation to actually achieve that goal, or who knows- maybe something even better.

1.The intention behind setting your goal must be positive and meaningful

If the reason behind your goal is a negative one or one you’re not truly connected to, it’s going to be nearly impossible to achieve your goal. For example, if you set a goal to exercise more, and your “why” is surrounded by negative self talk toward your body, the intention isn’t right. But, if your why comes from a place of “I want to be the healthiest I can be for myself and for my family, for this body that truly cares for me every single day no matter what” that’s a powerful intention right there. This goes for any goal, from career based to relationships and more. Before setting your goals, get some clarity in your current thought patterns and beliefs, and set some positive intentions that you can align goals with.

2. Commit to doing your best every day when it comes to that goal, but BE FLEXIBLE.

You can make a commitment, and also allow yourself grace. Keeping with the same example from above, if your goal is to exercise (to be healthy for yourself and your family) you need to be consistent with that goal but accept that some days you’re going to check in with yourself and realize that the healthiest thing you can do that day is REST! or do a less strenuous workout. Some days your effort will give you your best workout ever, but you need to be just as proud of yourself if your effort one day doesn’t produce that result. It’s still effort. It’s still progress. It’s still consistency. It’s still building trust with yourself. And remember, even if it’s a hard day it’s better than a year from now looking back wishing you had started 12 months ago!

3. Pay attention to and be proud of the less tangible changes along the way

If your goal is to run a 5k and you hardly ever run, it’s not going to happen on day 2. If your goal is to start a business, you’re not going to be up and running with a full time income to replace your current job one week in. If your goal is to build a camper van, it’s not going to be done in two weeks (trust me, hehe). And you know what? Even if your goal is as “simple” as talking to yourself more kindly - it’s not going to happen overnight. No matter what your goal is, we all have unique situations and stories that have turned us into who we are today, and learning about ourselves, our habits, and ways to achieve our goals that work for us as INDIVIDUALS, takes time! There’s no one size fits all for any goal, but the one commonality is that there are going to be MANY small wins along the way that need to be celebrated on the way to that ultimate dream. As humans, we have such an easy time focusing on the negative, on the things that have gone wrong, and the things that are in our way.

But really, if you sit back and truly focus on the things that have gone well, the power you have to create and grow, and the fact that this far you have survived any hardship you’ve gone through, there’s so much good to be grateful for.

So, what goals are you working toward this year? What’s your intention behind the goal? And, are you making sure to notice celebrate the progress every day on the way to it? (Why not write a gratitude note to yourself right now?!)

If you’re looking for help with any of it, I help teachers and entrepreneurs (aspiring business owners included!) determine their “why’s” and their goals, and develop a game plan to create their space for joy online, and in the world.


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