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Teaching, Traveling, + Tips for a Happier Life

Fun With Flodesk: 5 Reasons I Love Flodesk as an Edupreneur and Small Business Owner

Fun With Flodesk: 5 Reasons I Love Flodesk as an Edupreneur and Small Business Owner

Flodesk is an intuitive email marketing platform designed to simplify the process of creating and sending beautiful, engaging emails. It offers user-friendly tools like drag-and-drop editors and customizable templates, making it easy for anyone, regardless of technical skill, to design professional-looking emails. With features such as audience segmentation, automation, and detailed analytics, Flodesk helps businesses connect with their audience effectively and track the success of their email campaigns. Plus, Flodesk offers additional features such as checkout processes, sales pages, and sign up forms. Here are 5 reasons I love Flodesk so much and think you will too!

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3 Ways to Make Aligned Decisions

3 Ways to Make Aligned Decisions

And the older I get, the more I want to make aligned decisions. The ones that are a little out of the ordinary but excite me. The ones that are out of my comfort zone but my inner knowing is telling me to do it. The ones that I look back on and say “imagine if I didn’t do that?”

It’s not always easy, but here are three things that made our road trip decision easier for us, and I’m confident they’ll help us continue to live a life of no regrets or “what if’s.”

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Joy With Canva: Get Creative in the New Year

Joy With Canva: Get Creative in the New Year

Canva caters to a wide range of users, from entrepreneurs and marketers to educators and social media enthusiasts, providing them with the tools to bring their ideas to life visually. Whether you're crafting social media posts, business presentations, or personal projects, Canva simplifies the design process, making it accessible and enjoyable for everyone

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Making Changes in Your Life or Career: 3 Action Steps to Get Unstuck
Teacher Resources Georgia O'Keefe Teacher Resources Georgia O'Keefe

Making Changes in Your Life or Career: 3 Action Steps to Get Unstuck

There is so much expected of us at any given time, so many milestones we’re “supposed” to reach, a timeline we feel like we should be following, that it can be so challenging to pause and ask ourselves “what do I actually want?”

The truth is - while it’s so easy to get stuck and overwhelmed in today’s world, we actually live in a time when it is very possible to try new things, switch things up, and chase new dreams… if we’re open to making space for them that is.

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Canva in the Classroom
Teacher Resources, Free Resources Georgia O'Keefe Teacher Resources, Free Resources Georgia O'Keefe

Canva in the Classroom

Though I am no longer a classroom teacher, I am a strong advocate for using Canva in the classroom, and love teaching other educators the many ways they can utilize this amazing platform in their classrooms. 

Canva can be an incredibly beneficial tool for creating visually appealing and engaging materials for your students and colleagues.

Here are just a few benefits of using Canva in the classroom.

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