Enhancing Van Life: Three Ways Connection + Community Transformed Our Experience

What is van life anyway?

For those who are new here, I currently live in a van.

“Van life” refers to a lifestyle where individuals choose to live and travel in converted vans, embracing a minimalist and nomadic way of living. The motive to do “van life” for me was that I wanted to travel with my fiance and our dog while we were young and healthy and motivated to change up our lifestyle in a pretty drastic way.

In the summer of 2022, we purchased an empty Mercedes Sprinter cargo van and transformed it into a cozy, functional, and beautiful home that suited all of our home and travel needs, including a bed, a kitchen, storage space, and even a small indoor shower. We had help from our friend Bill at Pilgrim Van Builds who we highly recommend!

Why Choose Van Life?

Everyone chooses this lifestyle for different reasons, but for us it was a choice that offered freedom, flexibility, and a unique way of experiencing the world. I for one consider myself a homebody even though I love to connect with new people and see new places, so taking my home everywhere with me is the epitome of “best of both worlds.” In general, it seems that this lifestyle appeals to those seeking adventure, simplicity, and a break from traditional living arrangements.

Van life has gained popularity in recent years, fueled by social media platforms where individuals share their experiences, tips, and inspiring stories. However (and I can attest to this first hand), it's important to note that van life is not without its challenges. Living in a limited space requires careful planning and adaptability, and practical considerations such as finding places to park, access to amenities, and maintaining a sustainable lifestyle.

There’s so much that goes into making life in a van work, but if I HAD to summarize the true game changers of this lifestyle I would do so with two words: connection and community.

An Essential Connection: Starlink Revolutionizes Van Life

Understanding the Significance of Starlink

We live in a time when we use the internet for many things - working, entertainment, connecting with family and friends. But there are plenty of places where internet signals are weak or even nonexistent.

That's where Starlink comes in. Starlink is a project by a company called SpaceX that aims to provide internet access to people all over the world, no matter where they are. They do this by sending a lot of small satellites called "Starlink satellites" into space. These satellites form a big network that orbits around the Earth, and they beam internet signals down to special antennas that people can install on homes, buildings, and of course, vans or RVs!

Benefits of Starlink for Van Life

1. Uninterrupted Internet Access

Once you have the Starlink antenna set up, it can connect to the satellites in space and give you access to the internet. The great thing about Starlink is that it can provide high-speed internet even in remote areas where it was difficult to get before. This has been a huge game changer for many in the world, and definitely for us during our trip. We’ve truly been in the middle of nowhere with zero cell service, able to work remotely, record podcasts via zoom, and watch our favorite shows.

Typically, the Starlink only works when a van is stationary, so when we find our parking spot we put it out either on our roof or on the ground depending on where we are (pro tip: if there are a lot of trees around, the Starlink works better on the roof). We keep it in an easily accessible spot so that when we open the back doors of our van it’s ready to be set up! Some people have figured out a way to set up their Starlink on the roof permanently while driving so that they have internet even while moving and never have to worry about setting it up. Though we think this is a cool feature, we’ve found that for the most part setting it up while being stationary is easy enough and suits our needs fine!

2. Flexibility in Location Selection

Starlink's wide coverage allows van lifers to choose remote and off-the-grid locations without sacrificing internet connectivity. Yes, there is something sacred about being in a place where there is no internet access and completely unplugging, but we, like many vanlifers, are not always trying to unplug. We are simply trying to travel and explore WHILE working remotely and participating in typical 2023 activities - texting, using social media, streaming our favorite shows before bed, etc. Because of Starlink, we feel confident choosing ANY location knowing that if we want or need to be connected while there, we will be able to do so.

3. Safety and Peace of Mind

Not only is being able to work, unwind, and stay connected made possible by Starlink, but the access to reliable internet for emergency situations, navigation, and staying connected during unforeseen circumstances, brings so much peace of mind to our lifestyle.

Navigating with Ease: iOverlander App as a Trusted Companion

Introduction to iOverlander

Imagine having a trustworthy friend who knows all the best places to camp, park, or find essential services, no matter where you are in the world. That's precisely what iOverlander offers. With a user-friendly interface and a vast community of travelers, this app provides you with a treasure trove of information on thousands of unique locations.

Utilizing iOverlander for Van Life

1. Finding Safe and Convenient Overnight Spots

Whenever we need a safe spot to park our van for the night, iOverlander has us covered! We simply open the app and find a comprehensive database of campsites, wild camping spots, and parking areas, complete with reviews, ratings, and even photos. It is easy to filter and search for the ideal location that suits our needs and preferences, ensuring a peaceful and comfortable stay wherever we go. Depending on your preference, there’s the option to view in map mode or list mode - we prefer map mode!

2. Discovering Essential Amenities and Services

Beyond campsites, iOverlander also offers essential information such as where to find the closest gas stations, repair shops, water sources, and even public showers. It's like having a virtual travel guide that ensures you never have to worry about the practicalities of your journey. We’ve been able to navigate with confidence, knowing that iOverlander will steer us towards the nearest amenities when we need them.

3. Sharing Experiences and Insights

iOverlander is more than just a camping directory. It's a vibrant community of like-minded explorers who are eager to share their experiences and insider tips. You can contribute to the app by adding your own favorite spots, leaving detailed reviews, and updating information on existing locations. By doing so, you're not only helping fellow travelers, but you're also becoming part of a global network of adventurers who believe in sharing the joy of exploration. We admit we could be better at adding our own reviews, and we can’t express how much we rely on recent reviews from fellow travelers to help us feel confident in the campsite or amenity we are heading towards. The collaborative nature of the app truly makes it a game changer - the benefits of shared knowledge is priceless.

The Power of Community: Meeting New People on the Road

The Social Aspect of Van Life

On the note of shared knowledge and collaboration, one of our favorite aspects of van life is the unique opportunity it provides for meeting like-minded individuals and building a sense of community.

Embracing Random Encounters

Throughout our travels, we’ve been open to meeting fellow travelers and locals to the areas we are visiting.  We’ve met some incredible people who have opened up to us, shared their stories, their secret spots, and their advice.  We’ve connected with like-minded van-lifers, and found places we’ve visited to be all the more special because of the people that live there that we met.  Our van is a big topic of conversation, and while many people we meet know what we are doing, some are shocked and amazed by what we’ve built and the journey we are on.  WhileI can’t help but hope we’ve inspired some of them to follow their dreams too, whatever they may be, I can say for sure that many of the people we’ve connected with have certainly left lasting impressions on us.  If you’re traveling, especially solo traveling, you must always be careful about connecting with those you don’t know, but we have found that our intuition usually steers us in the right direction when it comes to embracing encounters on the road.

Online Communities & Social Media

Beyond i-overlander, there are endless blogs, forums, and platforms to use to hear about others’ experiences and gain wisdom and advice before heading to certain places. One other excellent app is Harvest Hosts, where you gain access to a diverse range of picturesque and memorable destinations, including wineries, breweries, farms, museums, and more. Instead of staying at traditional campsites, Harvest Hosts allows you to spend the night at these extraordinary locations, often with beautiful scenery and immersive surroundings. The hosts are usually welcoming and accommodating, providing a warm and personal experience during your stay. It's a wonderful opportunity to learn about local culture, taste exquisite wines, sample farm-fresh produce, or simply enjoy the tranquility of nature in unique settings.

And of course there is social media - one of the most powerful tools for connecting with others in 2023. There are many downsides to social media which I won’t get into here, but we have found it to be an excellent way to prepare for vanlife, and take part in the community and lifestyle. From inspiration for our van build, to following others’ van life journeys (both strangers and those we have met along the way!) to being able to share our own story as a visual blog and potential inspiration for others, we are grateful for apps like Instagram that provide a platform for vanlifers to express their love for the nomadic lifestyle, connect with others, find inspiration, and share their stories with a global audience. It's a powerful tool that enhances the vanlife experience, fosters community, and encourages exploration and creativity.

Let’s Wrap This Story Up …

To sum up, connection and community play a pivotal role in enhancing the van life experience. The advent of technologies like Starlink has revolutionized van life by providing uninterrupted internet access, flexibility in location selection, and safety during emergencies. The iOverlander app has become a trusted companion, offering a wealth of information on campsites, amenities, and services, while fostering a collaborative community of travelers. Additionally, the power of meeting new people on the road, whether through random encounters or online communities, adds depth and richness to the van life journey. Through shared stories, advice, and friendships, van lifers can create lasting connections and a sense of belonging in this unique and nomadic lifestyle. Embracing connection and community truly transforms the van life experience into something even more remarkable.

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