6 Ways to Stop Procrastinating That Thing You Want to Start
Even though I am a self-proclaimed to-do list master, I certainly still fall victim to procrastination. Sometimes, putting things off is a sign you just need some space from all you have on your plate to unplug and recharge, but sometimes, it stems from a perception that whatever project or goal you have will be too difficult, expensive, or confusing.
The key word is perception.
I am the first to admit that I am guilty of checking the easy things off the to-do list first because it provides short term gratification, but deep down I know that tackling the challenging goals is going to provide the long term happiness I seek.
So, HOW do we kick this habit of thinking we’re not good enough, this perception that a goal is too far out of reach? How do we get closer to believing that the sky is the limit and take the first step to starting? These 6 tips help me, and hopefully they can help you too!
Practice is Better than Perfect
Leave perfectionism behind. (As a recovering perfectionist myself, this one is not easy). But, it’s much better to get started rather than wait until you have every detail just right (p.s. - you never will😬).
Goals and projects evolve all the time, and so do we!
Developing and exercising the “just start” muscle will put you on the right track. You’ll learn and grow as you go.
Write Away
Write down the details!✏️Spend the time to write down your ideas, and a plan of what you are trying to accomplish.
There is something very powerful about putting pen to paper when it comes to making your deepest goals and desires a reality.
Couple tips: 1. Get a fun notebook📓that makes you excited to write down your ideas and take it everywhere with you! You never know when the inspiration to write will hit. 2, If you forget your notebook, the notes🗒app on your phone is a great temporary substitute! 3. Take it one step further and make a vision board with words and pictures of your goals and dreams. Look at it as often as you can!👀
Don’t Ask Everyone
Don’t ask for too many opinions. While it’s nice to have the support of family and friends, ask yourself how much they really know about the decision you’re trying to make.
Asking for too much input is often just another way of procrastinating and it can get in the way of your own gut feelings and intuition✨.
Break it Down
Break the goal down into categories.
A broad goal can feel too overwhelming, but if you break it down, you’ll see more manageable chunks of work.
Break down a big goal into smaller goals, and be as specific as you can about what needs to happen, WHY it needs to happen, and by when.
You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know
Ask the question: What other information do I need? Sometimes we need to do research to get started with a project; sometimes we already have all the information we need.
If you need more, decide specifically what that is and make a plan to get it.
For example, if you know you want to learn a new skill, could you start researching different certification and learning options? Who can you ask?
What’s Your Zone of Genius?
You can’t do it all, and that’s okay (and normal).
Know what you need to know and what you don’t need to know. What comes natural to you, and what do you need to delegate or ask someone else for help? Asking for help is ESSENTIAL to not burning out or getting discouraged. Plus, having accountability is a bonus tip for saying peace out to procrastination.
Getting started is hard, but it’s not impossible and you’re worth it! Think about it this way…
Where you could be a year from now if you stop procrastinating on that dream of yours?
Need help with your project or goal?
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